Wednesday 12 June 2013

Here I go again....

Having spent the last few years as a home educating mama of two (clearly too busy to keep up with a blog, ahem, moving on...) I suddenly find myself with a bit more spare time on my hands. At least I will come September, when my youngest will be going to school. I have sat through a couple of Me Made Mays and thought I would love to join in, so have set myself a little goal.

I have challenged myself to make as much of my wardrobe as possible over the next year (and beyond if all goes well) so that I have enough to wear by next May.

 I have been sewing for years, but I still very much a beginner when it comes to sewing clothes. It recently occurred to me that if I worked hard to build on the skills I already have, I could actually end up with clothes that fit my style, body AND purse.

 I will post my successes and failures here and hope people might be able to chip in with advice from time to time.


  1. Hi Nicki! Looking forward to seeing your sewing adventures!
    I just wanted to say thank you for your lovely comments on my blog and let you know that I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award!

  2. Aww, thanks Fiona. I best pull my finger out and get posting then! BTW you were the person to convince me to get the Scout Tee pattern and very glad I did.
